I then went to search for contents pages and double page spreads. By doing this I could get an even better understanding of what I want mine to be inspired and modelled from. I searched each of the previous four magazines but this time using "contents page" or "double page spread". Here are the results of this search;
After searching I then realised that I would like to use the fashion magazine "VOGUE" as my inspiration as the front cover, contents page and double page spreads from this magazines company are very sinilar to how I picture my magazine to look. I like how the magazine use primary colours paired with black and white to make a statement which is what I want for my magazine. I want the monochrome theme to play a bit part in my fashion magazine, as for the contents page I love how there is one main image which is strong, therefore it doesn't require any other images beside it.
Overall after looking for inspiration I have decided that I want to go for the simplistic yet strong look for my magazine as I plan to have it designed based on the magazine I have gained inspiration from.
As a regional magazine inspiration I have been looking at magazines such as ETC and Luxe, as these are magazine from the north east I have looked at the pictures inside the magazine and used them for inspiration for my product
Again it would have been good to have some more detail regarding your rationale as to why these texts are inspiring to you and what elements you would like to use / not use in your own product would have been useful here. It would have helped the reader of your blog immensely to understand what you are intending to do if you had highlighted key aspects of design that are particularly inspiring to you. :)