Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Front Cover Reconstruction

 As part of my research and planning I was asked to recreate a fashion magazine front cover. I chose this image as the model has similar clothing and similar hair. When taking the image I made sure the models pose was similar therefore I could recreate it. I then opened the image in photoshop and edited it so there background was fully white.  I then added in the sell lines and main sell line, when doing this I made sure that the writing that was bold was cold on mine and so on. When adding the mast head I had to make several layers so I could get the wording behind my model. I was constantly switching between the two images to make sure I got them as similar as I could.

1 comment:

  1. You have chosen to reconstruct a front cover that is appropriate for both your target audience and task. You have shown a proficient understanding of conventions of front cover layout and page design. You have shown an awareness for the need for a variety in fonts and text sixes. This task should also have helped you understand the need for an accurate use of language and register. You have also shown an awareness of how to appropriately integrate images and text and the material you have shot is basically appropriate for the task set. You have shown evidence that you can manipulate photographs as appropriate for the context - including cropping and resizing as well as cutting out.

    Grade C
