I asked my Facebook group what maximum price they were willing to pay. I was quite surprised at some of the answers due to the magazine being regional. However I thought that some of the answers were really reasonably and I will take them into consideration when coming up with a price for my magazine.There is a variation in prices in all the answers. As a result of this I need to come up with a medium price which is the overall average of the answers.
When deciding the price I need to remember that the price needs to reflect the magazines value. As it is a regional magazine the prices isn't going to be huge, however as I want the magazine to appear like a well made fashion magazine, I would like to think that the magazine could pass for not been completely cheap and worth it.
To help come up with a price I will use this information to help however I will also look at other regional magazines. Despite not been fashion orientated.
Friday, 26 September 2014
Ancillary Task/Website- Deconstructions
To show my research and planning for my first ancillary task, I have decided to make a PowToon presentation. In this presentation I deconstruct three magazines.
After looking at the high end fashion magazines I then looked at the regional magazine ETC's
When looking at this website you can definitely tell that the genre of the magazine isn't totally focused on fashion. Regardless the website is very informative which is overall the whole point of the website.
There is a very simplistic feel to this website as there is only three colors used receptively, white, black and purple. The whole appearance of this website isn't the most appealing when you compare it to the other three. However as this is a regional magazine website, this is reflected in the appearance/content of the website. There are some aspects of this website which are also on the higher end website, for example the different categories.
There is also a social networking aspect added onto this website. At the top right hand corner of the page there are the icons for the three social networking sites Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. By doing this the website it promoting itself in more ways than the magazine and website.
This particular screen shot of the website is the fashion tab, The images on this tab are all focused around fashion some way or another. Some of the images are very laid back and none edited, where as some of them are quite edited and look ore professional.
This particular screen shot of the website is the fashion tab, The images on this tab are all focused around fashion some way or another. Some of the images are very laid back and none edited, where as some of them are quite edited and look ore professional.
When looking at all the website I can really tell how a fashion website should look however, when comparing the regional and international websites you can clearly see the difference, this is something Ill have to think about when designing my website, however this isn't to say that my website can't be as extravagant as the international ones just because of the geographical difference.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Front Cover Flat Plan
This is what I have decided on for my front cover design, although when it comes to making the magazine the design may be slightly altered the finish product will be somewhat and extension of this original design.
I took inspiration from the Vogue front cover which was used in an earlier post, Front Cover Comparison Question. I also like the layout of this magazine as it isn't too busy and looks well put together and clean.
Furthermore I decided to only have a small section of the page dedicated to sell lines as I feel like these could be too overpowering on a fashion magazine as the main focus should actually be the model/fashion.
The main sell line I plan to have in a different color and font to the rest of the text to allow it to stand out to the reader, The main sell line will be short and simple, yet insightful. The sell line will obviously be related to the main image as this is what the convention of a magazine typically is.
The mast head will be strapped across the top of the page however I haven't yet decided weather it will be in front of behind the model, Unfortunately I won't be able to enclose this information until my photography is complete at a later date. Underneath the mast head there will be an issue number/date which will help clarify when the magazine is released so that the theme of the magazine will be suited to the season.
In the bottom right corner the barcode and price will be situated to the right of the sell line, I have decided to do this as I feel like this particular information is quite unimportant therefore the reader should typically read the bottom right corner last.
I am yet to decide what the theme will be as I haven't yet picked my model, location or color scheme.
I took inspiration from the Vogue front cover which was used in an earlier post, Front Cover Comparison Question. I also like the layout of this magazine as it isn't too busy and looks well put together and clean.
Furthermore I decided to only have a small section of the page dedicated to sell lines as I feel like these could be too overpowering on a fashion magazine as the main focus should actually be the model/fashion.
The main sell line I plan to have in a different color and font to the rest of the text to allow it to stand out to the reader, The main sell line will be short and simple, yet insightful. The sell line will obviously be related to the main image as this is what the convention of a magazine typically is.
The mast head will be strapped across the top of the page however I haven't yet decided weather it will be in front of behind the model, Unfortunately I won't be able to enclose this information until my photography is complete at a later date. Underneath the mast head there will be an issue number/date which will help clarify when the magazine is released so that the theme of the magazine will be suited to the season.
In the bottom right corner the barcode and price will be situated to the right of the sell line, I have decided to do this as I feel like this particular information is quite unimportant therefore the reader should typically read the bottom right corner last.
I am yet to decide what the theme will be as I haven't yet picked my model, location or color scheme.
Contents Page Flat Plan
In comparison to my AS media contents page I have decided to leave things more simple and less busy. The main reason being that the magazines are completely different genres therefore they have different conventions.
Sticking with the simplistic theme I have really stripped down from last years contents page and made it nice and relaxed which is how I want my magazine to come across. There will be one main image which will create a background to the rest of my page. Similarly it will be set out almost the same as a front cover however I will have to make sure that the images are completely different but use the same model, By doing this I will show how diverse the model can be due to the amount of pictures she will be present in.
There will be one column of contents to allow the image to be visible, The page numbers will be along the left hand side. They will also be in another font/colour to allow them to stand out amongst all the other text in this column. The font of the contents will be easy to read and not too small as this will prevent the reader from becoming frustrated with trying to read fancy looking fonts. Within the contents there will be different topics and these will be separated by different coloured writing and/or small banners to separate them.
The page title will be similarly positioned to the front cover, however it will be smaller and less extravagant to allow the page to be different from the front cover.
Sticking with the simplistic theme I have really stripped down from last years contents page and made it nice and relaxed which is how I want my magazine to come across. There will be one main image which will create a background to the rest of my page. Similarly it will be set out almost the same as a front cover however I will have to make sure that the images are completely different but use the same model, By doing this I will show how diverse the model can be due to the amount of pictures she will be present in.
There will be one column of contents to allow the image to be visible, The page numbers will be along the left hand side. They will also be in another font/colour to allow them to stand out amongst all the other text in this column. The font of the contents will be easy to read and not too small as this will prevent the reader from becoming frustrated with trying to read fancy looking fonts. Within the contents there will be different topics and these will be separated by different coloured writing and/or small banners to separate them.
The page title will be similarly positioned to the front cover, however it will be smaller and less extravagant to allow the page to be different from the front cover.
Double Page Spread Flat Plan
This design for the double spread was majorly inspired by the double page spread in my Double Page Spread Deconstructions- Part 1/3. Due to the overall look of this double page spread I feel like this is the direction I want to go. Based on the fonts and colors of the double page spread I will hopefully apply these to my magazine, making it not identical but quite similar.
The page title will be positioned over the two pages therefore it will take up more space making it more dominate. However the main image will be totally covering the full two pages, therefore it will need to have gaps in the background which will allow room for the text on the page also. I plan to have an outside background for the image make an atmosphere and so the reader gets a better understanding as to what the whole theme of this particular issue is. Although the genre is fashion there will also be elements of the particular season and location within.
The small piece of text won't be too long as I evidently want the main focus to be the image and page title/main sell line. The text will be minimal however it will be descriptive and relevant to the image on the page. I haven't yet decided if I want the large text to be a quote or just a particular part of English terminology for example alliteration or repetition.
The page number will be in the bottom of each page and in a similar color to the rest of the page text. By doing this it will allow the text to all look a part of that page. The page number will not be different from the rest of the text.
Time Management- Update 1
After I was given my deadlines I was quite worried about having my full blog completed, Due to the monumental amount of work I am really trying to get my blog ready for all of the photography and planning of my products.
At the moment I am behind schedule in terms of the completion of my blog however I do plan to work really hard this last week of september to ensure that I have a blog which me and my lecturer are happy with at this point throughout my A2 Media course.
In terms of the rest of my action plan once I am fully happy with my blog and its almost beyond completion I will definitely focus on getting everything done by the deadlines we were set.
At the moment I am behind schedule in terms of the completion of my blog however I do plan to work really hard this last week of september to ensure that I have a blog which me and my lecturer are happy with at this point throughout my A2 Media course.
In terms of the rest of my action plan once I am fully happy with my blog and its almost beyond completion I will definitely focus on getting everything done by the deadlines we were set.
Fashion Magazine Content Question

Some one expanded their answer and suggested that I should include "Lots of good images and key info/juicy gossip"
This gave me a slight understanding of what different people wanted to see in a fashion magazine. I found it quite interesting that no-one out of my select target audience wanted a lot of text, however this isn't particularly part of the conventions of a fashion magazine as the main focus should in fact be the fashion/clothing. However as my target audience did suggest that include a bit of both this means that I need to find a happy medium and select just the right amount of text to accompany the main focus which will be the actual fashion aspect of the page.
Front Cover Gender Question
I posted this on my Facebook page and waited for people to respond.
The overall response from my target audience was that the majority wanted a female on the front of the cover.
By asking this question I was able to confirm what I already kind of knew, which was that generally on the front of a fashion magazine the main focus would be on the model and the outfit, therefore it needed to be someone who could show off the clothes well. Subsequently the model would have to appeal to the buyer of the magazine, Due to it being a fashion magazine I realised that the gender of the buyer would most likely be female due to the huge female involvement in fashion.
I will use this research to help me develop a load of ideas which I can then pick from to apply to my magazine.
As I originally wanted a female on the front cover of my magazine this has only really made it more clear that this is the obvious gender choice for my magazine.
Friday, 19 September 2014
Front Cover Comparison Question
On my Facebook page I posted this image, with a caption with the question underneath, I then waited for responses. I have included a screenshot of the post.
I decided to use these two front covers because on is very calm and monotone whereas the other other is very bright and has a lot of color. I already kind of had the idea to do something similar to the vogue one, now, after receiving feedback I am certain that I will do something along the lines of the vogue front cover. Although the other front covers very young feeling and more attractive I feel like the vogue front cover will be more suited to my target audience of 18-30 year old women.
My Facebook Page
As part of my research I decided to make a Facebook page and asked questions to my peers about what what they'd like on a magazine and various other questions. I just created a page on my existing Facebook therefore I could just add people from my Facebook onto the page straight away.
Thursday, 18 September 2014
My Own Institution

As part of my research I was asked to create my own institution. My institution is Segment Corporation. The name doesn't have any connotations, it was just something I thought sounded original and current. I designed the logo myself by using just basic shapes on powerpoint.When doing my research into other institutions I found it hard to find a institution which represented regional magazines in my region. However Johnston Press who owns the brand ETC is the only researchable institution. This institution however is my answer to the lack of regional institutions. I decided to make the institutions name something which isn't exactly obvious to what it owns brand wise, the main reason being Id like to think that my institution would be diverse and offer many different types of media to the region of the North East.My institution is a small regional company and is run from a office. My institution publishes small independent films, Independent magazines/newspapers for example the type you'd find on buses and metros for free. All these products can be found in the North East region.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Institutional Research
Here is a short presentation showing my research into different institutions. I used the PowToon website to create it because the effects it offers are fun and quirky.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Pitch Presentation

We were asked to create a presentation which would be pitched to my class members. This pitch had to include certain sections so I could include the correct information needed. For example I had to include;
- Brief
- Initial Idea
- Summer Work
- Inspirational Texts
- Institutes
- Target Audience
After looking at the guidelines for the presentation I then made a plan so when it came to creating the presentation I knew exactly what to include. This plan included questions that I would answer in my presentation. For example what I chose for my brief and why. The purpose of this was so we could share our ideas around the class. We were then ordered to have the presentation up on our computers, then we would move around a seat at a time and leave feedback for the presentations. I then used my plan and produced the following presentation.
Once they had seen my pitch they were then asked to leave feedback for me. This feedback included two positives and a wish.
Here is my feedback;
I received good feedback on my knowledge of who I want my target audience to be, they also liked my use of inspirational texts. However the constructive criticism was that I should include who would produce the magazine, the name of the magazine and more regional magazines. I do plan on making the changes however I am yet to find a regional fashion magazine to use in my research and planning.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Front Page Deconstruction- Part 1/3
Text-First of all the well known mast head is presented with a decreased opacity level to allow the model to some what still be exposed, the mast head is placed strapped across the top of the page in a very large yet iconic font, which is the usual for ELLE magazine. The main sell line is present in a very thin structured font, this is also another way of preventing to cover up the model. The other sell line however located onto the right of the model is in a bolder font, this may be because it isn't overlapping the image. The sell line is very short and makes the reader want to read on.
Colour- The color of the background is a very calming and tranquil shade, which makes the reader feel relaxed which is similar to how the model is appearing. The use of the bright background means that the black and white coloured text stands out in contrast to it. The models clothing is an extension of the background, the background been a blue/teal shade where as the model is wearing a very light washed out blue color, this again compliments the chosen background color.
Model- The model being David Beckham who is extremely famous therefore makes the magazine appeal more to women as he for some people may be a bit of eye candy. The model appearance not only makes him look relaxed and laid back he is also making eye contact which makes the ready connect more. The main sell line uses only his second name which is also a symbol for his past profession which is football, where his uniform only had his last name on the back. By doing this is creates a less formal feel about the magazine.
Other- The barcode is located on the bottom of the page which means it is typically one of the last things the reader will look at as a person typically read left to right top to bottom. The price and date is located under the mast head to the right hand side, this placement means that after confirming the magazine name the reader will then see when the magazine is from and how much it was.
I will use the layout and different font size as inspiration when creating my magazine as I like how is creates a dynamic feel and make it look more artistic.
Front Page Deconstruction-Part 2/3
ETC Magazine.
Text- Firstly the mast head located in the top left corner is in a white, lower cased font. Located under the 'e' is the date of the magazine. The mast head for this magazine appears to have a shadow around the letters this makes it stand out against the models skin and light brown hair. The mast head is placed right over the image. The sell lines are in a white structured font which make it look well made and classy. The main sell line is in two different shades, the words 'Golden' and 'Girl' overlap slightly which makes it look artistic and it also ties in with the models appearance. The text underneath the main sell line however is in a black font which again contrasts with the model. The banner at the bottom of the page has a low opacity level therefore the image is still slightly visible even though the banner is set over the top. The writing to the right of the model is in the same shades as the main sell line which make them all look put together. The sticker at the top has 'Win!' in a bolder font which makes it stand out more than the rest of the text which contains less important information. The Wine and Dine section connotates being rich, upper class, very well put together and romance, which are all positive things which should perhaps play big part in fashion magazines.
Colour- The model is decorated with a gold slightly textured material so it make it look very artistic like the main sell line. The color gold makes the magazine look very grande and expensive looking, which is ironic as the magazine is free. The models skin tone is very well matched to the text of the word 'Girl' and the small banner on the right of the model. This all ties in well with the white colourd text as it compliments the gold and beige very well.
Model- The models appearance has been altered by the golf flakes however her pose is very intense therefore it doesn't overpower her. The image is a close up therefore all focus is on her face and the extensive makeup.
Other- The fact that the magazine is free is very well advertised therefore it is very clear to the reader. The positioning of the sticker introducing a competition is very well thought out considering is will be typically something that the reader will look at first. The banner at the bottom of the page is like a very simple and basic way of showing what is inside the magazine. The banner shows certain categories and they vary from fashion to motors therefore it may appeal to a number of different audiences.
Text- Firstly the mast head located in the top left corner is in a white, lower cased font. Located under the 'e' is the date of the magazine. The mast head for this magazine appears to have a shadow around the letters this makes it stand out against the models skin and light brown hair. The mast head is placed right over the image. The sell lines are in a white structured font which make it look well made and classy. The main sell line is in two different shades, the words 'Golden' and 'Girl' overlap slightly which makes it look artistic and it also ties in with the models appearance. The text underneath the main sell line however is in a black font which again contrasts with the model. The banner at the bottom of the page has a low opacity level therefore the image is still slightly visible even though the banner is set over the top. The writing to the right of the model is in the same shades as the main sell line which make them all look put together. The sticker at the top has 'Win!' in a bolder font which makes it stand out more than the rest of the text which contains less important information. The Wine and Dine section connotates being rich, upper class, very well put together and romance, which are all positive things which should perhaps play big part in fashion magazines.
Colour- The model is decorated with a gold slightly textured material so it make it look very artistic like the main sell line. The color gold makes the magazine look very grande and expensive looking, which is ironic as the magazine is free. The models skin tone is very well matched to the text of the word 'Girl' and the small banner on the right of the model. This all ties in well with the white colourd text as it compliments the gold and beige very well.
Model- The models appearance has been altered by the golf flakes however her pose is very intense therefore it doesn't overpower her. The image is a close up therefore all focus is on her face and the extensive makeup.
Other- The fact that the magazine is free is very well advertised therefore it is very clear to the reader. The positioning of the sticker introducing a competition is very well thought out considering is will be typically something that the reader will look at first. The banner at the bottom of the page is like a very simple and basic way of showing what is inside the magazine. The banner shows certain categories and they vary from fashion to motors therefore it may appeal to a number of different audiences.
Front Page Deconstruction- Part 3/3
VOGUE Magazine.
Text- Despite the fact that Vogue is one of the biggest fashion magazine in the entire world it still needs a title on the front. Although some of the mast head is covered by the model of course you can still see what the title is based on its high profile and reputation. The mast head is in the classic font and in the color black, Because this brand is so well known this has really inspired me for the name of my magazine. I have decided that I need to come up with something very short, simplistic and memorable. The sell lines for this front cover are all in the raspberry color, which is also the color of the model lips therefore is ties it all down and makes it look all put together. There is a variety of fonts therefore they all look different. The sell lines on the left hand side are in a italic font then switch to normal which helps differentiate which ones are part of the same story. The name of the model is also visible under the mast head. On the right hand side the sell lines vary in color and size to again differentiate which ones are which. The sell line then a brief explanation underneath is repeated two/three times. The main sell line starts will the same font as the rest on the front of the magazine, however the oversized 'Easy Chic' is presented in the same fancy looking writing which really looks classy and ties in well with the overall image of the front cover. The side banner is then in a nice simple font in the color white.
Colour- The raspberry color which is used so much on the front cover really contrasts with the background, model and the other coloured text. The blue coloured dress which the model is wearing is very fresh looking and really make the model look young. By choosing the light blue is contrasts with the model tanned skin tone, which in turns draws the readers attention more to the clothing which is the main focus as it after all is a fashion magazine. The use of colour on this front cover has made me really take inspiration for my own product, as I want it to appear girly but classy at the same time, which is what I think this magazine has achieved.
Model- The model on the front is a well known beautiful actress therefore she will bring the magazine publicity. The models appearance is amazing so she shows off the main focus very well which is fashion. Her lipstick is then used to tie the other thing in together. Her skin tone and hair colour represent a young healthy woman which is what the read should use for inspiration. Her pose also promotes a small sense of sex appeal as her leg is clearly revealed through the dress on purpose to show off her figure.
Other- The barcode is positioned on the bottom of the page and stands out on the black background. The date and price however is located to the left of the mast head therefore the reader should see this first. The small banner is promoting a limited edition/ special which the magazine happens to be, therefore this could make it more attractive to fashion magazine buyers.
Text- Despite the fact that Vogue is one of the biggest fashion magazine in the entire world it still needs a title on the front. Although some of the mast head is covered by the model of course you can still see what the title is based on its high profile and reputation. The mast head is in the classic font and in the color black, Because this brand is so well known this has really inspired me for the name of my magazine. I have decided that I need to come up with something very short, simplistic and memorable. The sell lines for this front cover are all in the raspberry color, which is also the color of the model lips therefore is ties it all down and makes it look all put together. There is a variety of fonts therefore they all look different. The sell lines on the left hand side are in a italic font then switch to normal which helps differentiate which ones are part of the same story. The name of the model is also visible under the mast head. On the right hand side the sell lines vary in color and size to again differentiate which ones are which. The sell line then a brief explanation underneath is repeated two/three times. The main sell line starts will the same font as the rest on the front of the magazine, however the oversized 'Easy Chic' is presented in the same fancy looking writing which really looks classy and ties in well with the overall image of the front cover. The side banner is then in a nice simple font in the color white.
Colour- The raspberry color which is used so much on the front cover really contrasts with the background, model and the other coloured text. The blue coloured dress which the model is wearing is very fresh looking and really make the model look young. By choosing the light blue is contrasts with the model tanned skin tone, which in turns draws the readers attention more to the clothing which is the main focus as it after all is a fashion magazine. The use of colour on this front cover has made me really take inspiration for my own product, as I want it to appear girly but classy at the same time, which is what I think this magazine has achieved.
Model- The model on the front is a well known beautiful actress therefore she will bring the magazine publicity. The models appearance is amazing so she shows off the main focus very well which is fashion. Her lipstick is then used to tie the other thing in together. Her skin tone and hair colour represent a young healthy woman which is what the read should use for inspiration. Her pose also promotes a small sense of sex appeal as her leg is clearly revealed through the dress on purpose to show off her figure.
Other- The barcode is positioned on the bottom of the page and stands out on the black background. The date and price however is located to the left of the mast head therefore the reader should see this first. The small banner is promoting a limited edition/ special which the magazine happens to be, therefore this could make it more attractive to fashion magazine buyers.
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Content Page Deconstructions- Part 1/3
VOGUE Magazine.
Layout/Image- I really like this contents page because of the layout it offers. The staggered columns make the contents page look more spacious and clean. The black and white image is something myself have experimented with in my AS coursework. The image is the main focus on this page considering is medium size, the image is very striking because of the models pose and outfit, as its in black and white the clothing stands out and looks bold due to it dark coloring. The image is situated on the left hand side in the upper half of the page. The text then follows the outlying of both images by going around it. The second image is smaller therefore the reader tends to look at the larger image first. Further more the layout of both images makes them look parallel but slightly at an angle due to the staggered look yet again.
Colour/Text- The black and white image makes the page look very professional and clean. The slightly grey background has a sense of a calm attitude which is what the reader wants as they are sitting down and enjoying the magazine. Small pops of red run throughout the texts to distinguish which is the sub headings and which is the less important part of the writing, The actual text itself varies in font to also help to distinguish this. The pay numbers also appear to be slightly bolder and more prominent, where as on the main image the page number is in a bigger font all together. The mast head of the page is also in a extremely large font as it is strapped across the top of the page. The date is also in a red font situated above the mast head along with the word 'contents'. The neutral yet monotone feel of the page makes it look very well put together and less over the top like what other contents pages do.The subheadings for each section of content are very straight to the point, which they need to be. They vary from 'The View' to 'Regulars' which suggests that the things included in this section are obviously regular occurrences in the magazine therefore the reader will become attached and will recognize them due to the repetitive involvement.
I will take inspiration from this layout for my own magazine due to the very calm attitude it creates and how its not too over crowded.
Layout/Image- I really like this contents page because of the layout it offers. The staggered columns make the contents page look more spacious and clean. The black and white image is something myself have experimented with in my AS coursework. The image is the main focus on this page considering is medium size, the image is very striking because of the models pose and outfit, as its in black and white the clothing stands out and looks bold due to it dark coloring. The image is situated on the left hand side in the upper half of the page. The text then follows the outlying of both images by going around it. The second image is smaller therefore the reader tends to look at the larger image first. Further more the layout of both images makes them look parallel but slightly at an angle due to the staggered look yet again.
Colour/Text- The black and white image makes the page look very professional and clean. The slightly grey background has a sense of a calm attitude which is what the reader wants as they are sitting down and enjoying the magazine. Small pops of red run throughout the texts to distinguish which is the sub headings and which is the less important part of the writing, The actual text itself varies in font to also help to distinguish this. The pay numbers also appear to be slightly bolder and more prominent, where as on the main image the page number is in a bigger font all together. The mast head of the page is also in a extremely large font as it is strapped across the top of the page. The date is also in a red font situated above the mast head along with the word 'contents'. The neutral yet monotone feel of the page makes it look very well put together and less over the top like what other contents pages do.The subheadings for each section of content are very straight to the point, which they need to be. They vary from 'The View' to 'Regulars' which suggests that the things included in this section are obviously regular occurrences in the magazine therefore the reader will become attached and will recognize them due to the repetitive involvement.
I will take inspiration from this layout for my own magazine due to the very calm attitude it creates and how its not too over crowded.
Friday, 5 September 2014
Content Page Deconstructions- Part 2/3
ELLE Magazine.
Layout/Image- The layout on this contents page is emphasized by the contrasting white background and the images behind it. There is 3 columns all together which are all made up of the actual contents and the page number, However there is also a large piece of writing which is slightly segregated from the rest of the text. The images in the background all mostly include people this shows how the models involvement makes the magazine look more social and interesting. The most visible model is wearing bright makeup which brightens the models face and overall look of the page. There is also a total of 8 smaller images line up at the bottom, the images are of models who are showing off clothing which represents the genre of fashion very well.
Colour/Text- The overall colour scheme is very autumnal which is very suited to this particular page due to its been issued in october. The text includes very obvious and straight to the point subheadings. 'BEAUTY, HEALTH AND FITNESS' all represent the ideal woman, it has connotations of youth which is what the readers of this magazine are barley out of for example I would say that the target audience for ELLE is females ages 16+. This also makes the reader think of a healthy, beautiful and fit young woman.
Due to the approach I want to take for my magazine I'm afraid that I don't particularly like the layout of this contents page do to the very busy and over the top layout. Furthermore I really like how the color scheme is inspired by the season this issue was published in, therefore I will take this into consideration when designing my magazine.
Layout/Image- The layout on this contents page is emphasized by the contrasting white background and the images behind it. There is 3 columns all together which are all made up of the actual contents and the page number, However there is also a large piece of writing which is slightly segregated from the rest of the text. The images in the background all mostly include people this shows how the models involvement makes the magazine look more social and interesting. The most visible model is wearing bright makeup which brightens the models face and overall look of the page. There is also a total of 8 smaller images line up at the bottom, the images are of models who are showing off clothing which represents the genre of fashion very well.
Colour/Text- The overall colour scheme is very autumnal which is very suited to this particular page due to its been issued in october. The text includes very obvious and straight to the point subheadings. 'BEAUTY, HEALTH AND FITNESS' all represent the ideal woman, it has connotations of youth which is what the readers of this magazine are barley out of for example I would say that the target audience for ELLE is females ages 16+. This also makes the reader think of a healthy, beautiful and fit young woman.
Due to the approach I want to take for my magazine I'm afraid that I don't particularly like the layout of this contents page do to the very busy and over the top layout. Furthermore I really like how the color scheme is inspired by the season this issue was published in, therefore I will take this into consideration when designing my magazine.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Content Page Deconstructions- Part 3/3
InStyle Magazine
Layout/Image- On this contents page there is 1 column. The column however is separated by a box outlining the bottom half of text. The image is very large and takes up a good 50% of of the full page. The model is a well known artist therefore she is used to promote the magazine and also for her to promote herself. The model is also dressed in a very tranquil coloured dress which is also quite big and extremely visible. The dress also very edgy which matches the personality of the celebrity, as fans of her music may already know this. There are no other images on this page therefore the attention is solely on the image and the small amount of writing. The mast head is also covered by the image which shows whats superior on this page.
Colour/Text- The top half of the text is a list of what is in this issue. Alliteration is used numerous times to make the subheadings sound more fun, for example, 'Sexy Summer' and 'Glorious Gwen'. This is also kind of make the magazine more youth oriented as people aged 16 learn about various english terminology at school, one of them being alliteration. The colour of the model lipstick is then pulled to anchor down the image, The dark pink shade is then used to differentiate the sub headings and the less important text in the first section of writing where as the boxed writing is differentiated by the page numbers being in a different colour and size. The page numbers for the top half are in a larger very fancy looking font which makes them stand out and be more noticeable apposed to the following page number, this could perhaps be because the larger page numbers may have more important/ exclusive content. The page number for the main image is then placed over the blue dress and is in a white font, therefore it contrasts and makes it stand out, another way it is made superior is by making the font size the second biggest on the page, A very brief insight to whats on this page is then positioned directly underneath in the dark pink shade which is visible put nt as prominent as the page number.
From this contents page I will take the anchoring technique (using a colour from the image and applying it to certain parts of text) and apply it to my magazine, I plan on doing this because after looking at very high fashion and successful magazines I have noticed that they do this and I like the way it looks.
Layout/Image- On this contents page there is 1 column. The column however is separated by a box outlining the bottom half of text. The image is very large and takes up a good 50% of of the full page. The model is a well known artist therefore she is used to promote the magazine and also for her to promote herself. The model is also dressed in a very tranquil coloured dress which is also quite big and extremely visible. The dress also very edgy which matches the personality of the celebrity, as fans of her music may already know this. There are no other images on this page therefore the attention is solely on the image and the small amount of writing. The mast head is also covered by the image which shows whats superior on this page.
Colour/Text- The top half of the text is a list of what is in this issue. Alliteration is used numerous times to make the subheadings sound more fun, for example, 'Sexy Summer' and 'Glorious Gwen'. This is also kind of make the magazine more youth oriented as people aged 16 learn about various english terminology at school, one of them being alliteration. The colour of the model lipstick is then pulled to anchor down the image, The dark pink shade is then used to differentiate the sub headings and the less important text in the first section of writing where as the boxed writing is differentiated by the page numbers being in a different colour and size. The page numbers for the top half are in a larger very fancy looking font which makes them stand out and be more noticeable apposed to the following page number, this could perhaps be because the larger page numbers may have more important/ exclusive content. The page number for the main image is then placed over the blue dress and is in a white font, therefore it contrasts and makes it stand out, another way it is made superior is by making the font size the second biggest on the page, A very brief insight to whats on this page is then positioned directly underneath in the dark pink shade which is visible put nt as prominent as the page number.
From this contents page I will take the anchoring technique (using a colour from the image and applying it to certain parts of text) and apply it to my magazine, I plan on doing this because after looking at very high fashion and successful magazines I have noticed that they do this and I like the way it looks.
Double Page Spread Deconstructions- Part 1/3
To see the double page spread I am deconstructing in an INSUU page turner presentation;
Alternatively I will include an image of the double page spread for ease of reading my deconstruction.
This double page spread is very focused on the main image. The image and its background takes up the full two pages and is used for a background for the white text on the page. The tranquil colors really represent the month that this vogue issue was released, in June. As it was June the color would have to represent spring/summer and I feel like Vogue achieved this by having an oceanic background. The white text is then used to show the contrast. The font chosen is very classy and laid back so this also helps to make the double page spread look relaxed and calm.
The models outfit is very limited however it is high fashion in terms of the swimsuit involvement of this double page spread. The bright yellow bikini top is fitting with the blues and greens which is present in this double page spread. The bikini allows a lot of skin to be shown which is typical of a summer double page spread, as summer typically represents beaches, sun and of course bikinis. The props that the model has are also swimming equipment which makes the overall theme of the magazine tie in really well and fluently, For example the flippers and her sunglasses. Her appearance is also well tied in with this theme as her hair is very windswept and wet looking due to the surroundings, such as the sea and sand.
The language used in this small piece of text is very descriptive of the models career and what she is currently doing with her life. The text included language such as "conquered" and "silenced her critics" this makes the model seem very dominate, which is how she appears in this photo as she is presented in a mid shot which draws the reader immediately to her. Also the mast head of the page "Venus rising" has connotations of various paintings, which all have the image of a naked women, beautifully painted to make her look sophisticated and attractive. The small paragraph at the bottom of the page is basically just an index of what the model is wearing, where you can buy it and how uch it is.
I really like the layout of this double page spread, due to the lack of text the focus is dominantly on the model and her outfit, however as this pictures obviously isn't a good representation of clothing and fashion as she isn't really wearing a huge amount of clothes, However the whole theme and layout of thus double page spread I will definitely consider to be a huge inspiration for my own product, and I plan to use the idea of the background and colors creating a relaxing and comfortable mood to the look of the magazine.
To see the double page spread I am deconstructing in an INSUU page turner presentation;
Alternatively I will include an image of the double page spread for ease of reading my deconstruction.
This double page spread is very focused on the main image. The image and its background takes up the full two pages and is used for a background for the white text on the page. The tranquil colors really represent the month that this vogue issue was released, in June. As it was June the color would have to represent spring/summer and I feel like Vogue achieved this by having an oceanic background. The white text is then used to show the contrast. The font chosen is very classy and laid back so this also helps to make the double page spread look relaxed and calm.
The models outfit is very limited however it is high fashion in terms of the swimsuit involvement of this double page spread. The bright yellow bikini top is fitting with the blues and greens which is present in this double page spread. The bikini allows a lot of skin to be shown which is typical of a summer double page spread, as summer typically represents beaches, sun and of course bikinis. The props that the model has are also swimming equipment which makes the overall theme of the magazine tie in really well and fluently, For example the flippers and her sunglasses. Her appearance is also well tied in with this theme as her hair is very windswept and wet looking due to the surroundings, such as the sea and sand.
The language used in this small piece of text is very descriptive of the models career and what she is currently doing with her life. The text included language such as "conquered" and "silenced her critics" this makes the model seem very dominate, which is how she appears in this photo as she is presented in a mid shot which draws the reader immediately to her. Also the mast head of the page "Venus rising" has connotations of various paintings, which all have the image of a naked women, beautifully painted to make her look sophisticated and attractive. The small paragraph at the bottom of the page is basically just an index of what the model is wearing, where you can buy it and how uch it is.
I really like the layout of this double page spread, due to the lack of text the focus is dominantly on the model and her outfit, however as this pictures obviously isn't a good representation of clothing and fashion as she isn't really wearing a huge amount of clothes, However the whole theme and layout of thus double page spread I will definitely consider to be a huge inspiration for my own product, and I plan to use the idea of the background and colors creating a relaxing and comfortable mood to the look of the magazine.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Double Page Spread Deconstructions- Part 2/3
This double page spread is from a famous fashion magazine called Bazaar. There are two images on this page, one take up a quarter of a page whereas the other one take up a full page. This image obviously accompanies the text to the left of it. The smaller image is of an older women facing away from the camera. This photo can be seen has quite editorial as she is facing away and has a very desired look on her face. The other image is of a well known actress Jennifer Aniston. Due to her fame she can create a lot of publicity for this magazine as it features her. The pose is quite cute looking and relaxed as she has her hands on her hips. The clothing is also simple and allow the attention to be more focused on the actual model. Her hair is very natural looking as a fan is used to make the hair look more animated and 3D. Both pictures are also in a black and white effect however there is a slight sepia feel to them as the color beige is running throughout the pictures.
The mast head to this page is in a traditional looking font and makes the title stand out. Then the sub heading beneath it is in the same font but a smaller size to distinguish the different information. Beneath this there is then a brief introduction to the photographer of these two images, written in a bold font. The text is then started with a over size capital 'F' which is very traditional again, as this is often used in books and older pieces of text. The actual text is then in one column which is the same width as the image to the left of it. The text is in a black font which is contrasting with the white background. The text to accompany the main image is in the same color which again contrasts with the white. The text includes vocabulary such as natural, effortless, healthy and stylish. These adjectives paint the model in a very appealing way and make her seem like the ideal woman.
I really like the layout of this page because it really uses the images well and doesn't look too much. However there isn't page numbers on this double page spread therefore if I was too use this for inspiration that would be the change I would make. I really like the variation of boldness on the mast head, I will be using this double page spread for inspiration, as I really like how the overall look of the page makes the reader feel like they are reading a well known fashion magazine.
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Double Page Spread Deconstructions- Part 3/3
The small columns of text are very inspiration and really make the reader feel good about themselves. The mast head of the page is in two different sizes the word 'every' in in a smaller font that the word 'body' which is fitting as the full page is full of people with their bodies showing, however this really anchors down the whole theme. The main text is on a white rectangle box which poses as the background for the text, The white contrasts with the black to make it stand out and be readable. Various twitter user names are also strapped along the bottom of the page which means this double page spread is interactive and supports social medias input.
There is page number on the bottom of the page which have small white boxes behind them to make sure that they stand out. There is a sticker on the right side of the page which has the twitter logo printer on very faintly but, the opacity is high enough so we can still see what it is. There is a huge social network involvement for this page which means that the readers can have input and share their opinions.
I really this the social media aspect of this double page spread, Therefore I will take this into consideration when making my magazine. I like how the article carries a important message therefore I will also include this into my writing. Unfortunately, although I really like the theme of this double page spread, I really don't think this represents the genre fashion very well, therefore I will have to still apply a message to mine but make sure fashion is present throughout the double page spread.
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