This double page spread is from a famous fashion magazine called Bazaar. There are two images on this page, one take up a quarter of a page whereas the other one take up a full page. This image obviously accompanies the text to the left of it. The smaller image is of an older women facing away from the camera. This photo can be seen has quite editorial as she is facing away and has a very desired look on her face. The other image is of a well known actress Jennifer Aniston. Due to her fame she can create a lot of publicity for this magazine as it features her. The pose is quite cute looking and relaxed as she has her hands on her hips. The clothing is also simple and allow the attention to be more focused on the actual model. Her hair is very natural looking as a fan is used to make the hair look more animated and 3D. Both pictures are also in a black and white effect however there is a slight sepia feel to them as the color beige is running throughout the pictures.
The mast head to this page is in a traditional looking font and makes the title stand out. Then the sub heading beneath it is in the same font but a smaller size to distinguish the different information. Beneath this there is then a brief introduction to the photographer of these two images, written in a bold font. The text is then started with a over size capital 'F' which is very traditional again, as this is often used in books and older pieces of text. The actual text is then in one column which is the same width as the image to the left of it. The text is in a black font which is contrasting with the white background. The text to accompany the main image is in the same color which again contrasts with the white. The text includes vocabulary such as natural, effortless, healthy and stylish. These adjectives paint the model in a very appealing way and make her seem like the ideal woman.
I really like the layout of this page because it really uses the images well and doesn't look too much. However there isn't page numbers on this double page spread therefore if I was too use this for inspiration that would be the change I would make. I really like the variation of boldness on the mast head, I will be using this double page spread for inspiration, as I really like how the overall look of the page makes the reader feel like they are reading a well known fashion magazine.
Paige, you really need to focus on using the correct terminology for your deconstructions - for example - words like "drop cap" and "kicker paragraph" and so on